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Would you like to know what gets me through, these days?

Can I get an Amen?  Amen.

This little man is keeping me hopping.  He loves cat naps.  And he likes to keep me up at night…surprising me with a night or two occasionally of 1 or 2 wake-up calls…then he’s back to his old shenanigans.  And just look at him!  He’s all “Whatcha gonna do about it, momma?”

But I’ll keep him, because he’s cute.

{and no, i don’t overdo it with coffee…i’m pretty sure he’s just like his brothers, and i never drank coffee with them.  it’s just a let’s-gang-up-on-momma thing and keep her on her toes!}

In the meantime, I’ve been up to my eyeballs in sign orders.  Actually, not drowning in them, but just enough to keep things interesting and not give me much down time, which is such a blessing.  Because y’all, not too long ago, we were down in our oil fund.  And this morning I woke up and thought “We can be warm this winter”.  We’re caught up in the oil fund.  Tears.  Seriously.

After Christmas when things will probably slow down a bit, I’m ready to tackle a few more ideas that I’ve literally had on my mind for a decade.  Maybe it’s time I hop on it?  Can’t wait to share them with you.

Mom and dad have gotten tag and bookmark orders as well;  more awesomeness from your incredible selves.  And they’ve been a huge help to me with the signs. Can you spy with your little eye a lovely little tag in sweet Darlene’s Christmas post?  And her house…gorgeous.  I’m hoping to maybe hang our stockings this year; at least our tree is up!

So yep, the lack of posts is due to much busyness.  All good stuff.  And I had a post full of, well, more than this today, but I can hear little Mr. waking up from another 20 minute nap, so I shall continue this tomorrow.  I hope! I’ve gotta backlog of things to share, so please stay tuned!