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This is part of it…

{watching my husband do the work}

and, although I don’t have a picture, mom and dad spent the majority of the day yesterday putting up wallpaper; mom has the experience, and dad has the height for our 9 foot ceilings.  One more day?  A day and a half?  And the wallpaper will be done; it’s fairly tricky; even though we have a small bathroom, it has lots of corners.  So they papered, Erick mowed our lawn, and our bank-owned vacant house next door lawn, and mom and dad’s lawn {in this crazy heat!} and I tackled chairs.

This one, which my grandma made over, and then my mom made over, and then it was my turn. 🙂

and these two, which I refinished once, but now they sit against against a white wall, and needed a POP.

and here they are!

whew!  my floors look crazy orange in the next picture…they aren’t that bad!

I had paint samples of Behr’s Seven Seas (middle) and Teal Bayou (right hand) and then I mixed them together for the one on the left.  I just love mixing colors.  Love it Love it Love it…if I could make a career out of mixing colors I would!

Oh that makes me happy!  That little concoction was for the “m” on the middle chair.

I’d take a picture of them in their rightful place, but it’s currently being blocked by the “wallpaper station”.  So one more dining room project down!  We have to hang a new light fixture, repair and paint the ceiling, and then add Luke photos to our gallery wall…then it will be finished.  For the moment. 🙂

So, other than chairs, I’m trying to keep up with the house; nothing crazy like baseboard cleaning or dusting corners…but I do make sure the laundry is caught up and the floors are swept and we aren’t a total disaster.  It hasn’t been all that pretty around here the last few weeks, so the fact that I’ve felt well enough the last two days to nest a little bit gives me hope that he’s on his way, soon.  I’ve had a few decent contractions…the stop and take notice kind…but they always fizzle out.  Boo.

Alrighty…I also just employed the random.org generator to pick the winner of the 16 x 20 canvas…and it’s Ms. Kathryn!  Who can surely use it for her upcoming family of Little Women.  🙂  (Which, on a side note, I’ve been reading this…and it’s wonderful! I’ll probably finish it today and I’m a little sad about that.)

So congrats Kathryn!!  I’ll let you know what to do.  🙂