
12 years this Sunday, my friends.  And guess what?  We are going to take a mini-trip; the Lukester is coming, and we are staying in Kittery tonight, then heading to Ikea in Boston on Sunday.  It’s supposed to be beautiful weather; I’m blown away by that.  In twelve years of marriage, it’s rained all but twice (our first anny trip was nice weather, for the most part, and our 10th anny trip wasn’t rainy, but it was so hot we were sweltering.)  I think we are looking at sunny and the 60’s this weekend, breezy today, but that’s alright; I can hardly believe it!  If y’all could just say a little prayer for us, that we would be able to enjoy this weekend fully, and that Luke would be fine with his parent’s taking him hither and yon…that would be awesome.

I know everyone says they have the best husband ever, and they do, but I have the best one for me.  Every “milestone” is so significant for me this year, after I very well could of lost him; that little post doesn’t really do justice to all we went through, recovery and everything included.  I appreciate him more than you could ever know.

So go and hug your spouses.  Love up on ’em.  Your kiddos too.  And may you never take them for granted.


I do.